Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Media Sharing: Digital Storytelling, Videosharing, Photsharing, and More!!

There are thousands of resources available on the web for videosharing and photosharing. Some provide you with a space to back up your photos and videos, order prints or dvds, and share with family members. Others provide you with the unique opportunity to get creative with your photos. You can create your own slideshow, comic strip, music video, photobook, timeline, etc. These website also provide you with a html code which you can use to post your work on your blog, or aggregator. The possibility for student project are endless! In this lesson you will learn how to create your own photo or video project.

Assignment Part 1: Check Out What's Out There

The title of this assignment explains everything. I just want you to explore, play with websites, sign up for websites, and figure out which one works best for you. The final assignment of this lesson will be to create your own photo project and design a project you could use with your students.

Start with the following websites from my Delicious bookmarks-http://delicious.com/MrsFitz/digitalstorytelling

Also, check out Marco Torres' website. I saw him speak last fall and he is phenomenal! He has done incredible things with his students!

Torres 21

Assignment Part 2: Digital Storytelling Ideas

Check out these resources for ideas on how to use digital storytelling in your classroom.

Kings Park Elementary SchoolEducational Uses of Digital StorytellingDigital Storytelling Ideas

Next, share any ideas you may have on your blog.

Assignment Part 3: Create Your Own Story!

Choose one of the resources mentioned in Assignment 4 Part 1 and create your own photostory. If you teach Reading or English you may want to make a story about a book. If you teach Math, maybe a story about a math problem!
Post your work on your blog. You will need to "embed" the video in your blog. Finally, in your blog post share any ideas you may have for using digital storytelling in the classroom.

One More Resource!http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/learnshops/digital/resources.php

1 comment:

  1. i HOpe this works:
