Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Course Evaluation and Reflection

Below you will find a link to the course evaluation. Please provide some feedback about the course.

Click Here to take survey

I was really impressed with the quality of work that was produced this semester. Everyone did a great job and I look forward to hearing about your progress!

Please feel free to leave a comment about the course on the blog. Suggestions are always welcome!


  1. I learned a lot during this course and am excited to keep trying out the many things we learned. It was also great to see everyone's projects because it gave me some ideas of things to try in the future. Lastly, I felt I got a lot of great resources and websites to use in my classroom.

  2. I felt that I gained more confidence in my computer skills after taking this course. I learned terms that my college age kids would talk about, but now I know what they are talking about. I will continue to use many of the things that we learned in the class, and I am less fearful about using them. Carla, I want to thank you for your patience in teaching us, particularly those of us who didn't really know much about the computer before we began.

  3. Among the many courses I have taken over the last few semesters, the Web 2.0 course ranks near the top for its usefulness, application to my curriculum, and provision for future growth. Each week, I enjoyed having the opportunity to explore different sites and tools. Since the last class, I finished two babysitting surveys for parents and students through Survey Monkey, have continued to update my “new” department's website, and begun to add books to my shelf on Shelfari. I am thoroughly excited about what I have learned. Thank you Carla for guiding us through this adventure!

  4. I learned so much in this class. When first starting out I had no idea what I would be doing or how it would apply to my work as a speech therapist. I am pleasantly surprised about how many resources are available on the web and how useful these resources can be. I also didn't understand at first how interact the web sources could be. I am thrilled at what I have learned to do and would definitely recommend this course again and in particular with this fantastic instructor! My suggestion for next class would be to definitely continue with the paperless classroom set up on the blog again. I really wouldn't change any aspects of the course--I'm sure the content will change itself as new sites and tools become available.

  5. I really enjoyed this class. It was fun learning about all the things that you hear about out in the "real world".....and to actually try it out and be successful was REALLY great! I also enjoyed listening to everyone in class and got some very good ideas to try. It will be fun to experiment and utilize some of them. My first graders had so much fun watching themselves on T.V. and they even thought my Webpage was very "pretty". Ha! Now that I'm getting more familiar with what is out there, I think I'll be able to really spruce things up! Thank you Carla!

  6. Carla, thank you so much! I really enjoyed your class. I learned so much from taking your class. I now know the terms people are talking about when they talk about computers. Thank you for giving me the confidence to play around on the computer and not worry that I might break it. I learned a lot of new things that I can apply to my classroom, enjoy the rest of the school year and thanks again.

  7. Carla, I did enjoy the class though I have to admit I was very intimidated at first. I enjoyed making my website, it's something I've thought about but always put on the back burner because it seemed so hard. It really wasn't as bad as I thought, though I did have some frustrating moments. I hope to have it up and running for the next school year. I'm also pretty proud that I now know about wikkis and blogs and can even make a movie with all the pictures I take in my class. Your enthusiasm for it all helped me a lot. Thanks for everything and enjoy the rest of the school year and especially the summer. Look for Big Bird's Website next year!

  8. Carla, this course was soooo useful to me, and I have already been using it. Plus, I have already been impressing my friends with my knowledge. Technology does not scare me anymore; its great that I can join the 21st century. You're the best Carla! Enthusastic, kind, and clear teacher!!

  9. Carla, thank you for a great class. I have learned alot about computers and what's available to us. I feel I have gained alot of information and will continue to try to incorporate what I can into the classroom. I really enjoyed viewing everyone's projects. They were just wonderful! Thanks again!

  10. Carla,
    Thank you for your patience. I learned so much about the web and conquered my fears! Have a great summer and maybe I'll see you next year for another class!!!
